Yes, our 40 PDU certificate is recognized by PMI in order to be eligible for PMP certification exam.
You can take the exam anytime after completing the course. You may have to revise the study material and practice the mock exams before attempting the exam, this may take 2-4 weeks depending on your study time.
You will get detailed handouts, mock exams, project templates, ebooks, study plan & videos. Support for exam registration will also be provided.
Yes, trainer for this course is PMP, PMI-RMP & PRINCE2 certified with over 10 years of project management and training delivery experience in many countries.
We are providing PMP© courses since 2009 and we have successfully trained more than 9,000 students globally.
Over the years we have successfully maintained 93-95% success rate (students who passed the exam in first attempt).
The course duration in 35 hours. For evening sessions, duration will be 10 days (3.5 hours daily) and for full-day session it will be 5 days (7 hours daily).
Our training method includes multimedia slide presentations, group discussions, Q&A sessions and case studies. We believe in interactive coaching style to make the course fun and memorable experience.